We all want our homes to be safe and secure at all times, and that’s why it’s so important to take all the proper precautions and really get to know every little aspect of your own home. The more you know about your home, the better prepared you’ll be to deal with any problems as and when they arise. When you encounter an issue with the electricity for example, it’s important to know the locations fuse boxes and water valves on your property to sort things out.

The principle especially applies with your plumbing; when emergencies occur, it can be so important to know exactly where the water valves are in your home to be able to take immediate action before getting in contact with a trusted plumber to fix the issues and repair any damage. One of the scary things about being a homeowner is that you never know when danger might strike, but knowing how to handle it gives you a great head start.

Where Is The Main Water Valve In My Home?

The main water valve is the most important one of all. This valve controls all water coming into your home. By turning it off, you can effectively stop any water coming into your home. Knowing where this valve is can therefore be a real life-saver if you suffer a burst pipe or major leak that could otherwise cause a devastating flood. The location of this valve will vary from one home to the next, but it’s often in the basement or possibly outside on a wall. To turn off the valve, turn it clockwise. It’s a good idea to let all members of the household know where this valve is, just in case they ever need to use it.

Where Is The Toilet Water Valve In My Home?

The valve for the toilet is often a lot easier to find than the main water valve for your home, because it’s typically right by the toilet itself. You should be able to find this valve behind or underneath your toilet bowl. By turning this valve off, you’ll be blocking any more water from entering the toilet, and that can be a big help for those moments when a toilet is overflowing.

Where Are The Sink Water Valves In My Home?

Just like with the toilet water valve, the water valves for sinks around your home are usually located right by the sink. Take a look under or behind the sink. You might see quite a few pipes there, but the valve is relatively easy to spot. Again, by turning this valve in a clockwise direction, you’ll block all water to that particular sink, so if you’ve got a problem with a faucet or overflowing sink, this is the valve to turn.

If you’re not sure about the locations of any valves in your home, contacting a local plumber and asking them to guide you around and highlight the valves is a great idea.