Homeowners rarely call plumbers for simple maintenance issues or preventative measures. However, many people will call a plumber after they realize a big problem needs resolving or they need renovations. Even rarer are plumbers asked for tips that they do for their own homes. In this article, we will discuss common things plumbers do in their own homes.

Plungers Do Not Need To Be Fancy

If you look online or go to a hardware store, you will find a wide array of plungers promising some sort of unique or luxurious addition. From special air holes to easy-grip handles, these plungers do not add to the actual functionality and end up costing more money. Plumbers will have at least two old-fashioned plungers at home.

Cup Plunger

A cup plunger is perhaps the type of plunger that most people think of when they vision a plunger. It has a rubber cup at the end of a handle. These plungers are used to unclog sinks, bathtubs, and showers.

Flange Plunger

A flange plunger is a plunger that has an extra cylinder that comes out from the cup. The flange plunger is used to create an extra vacuum seal for better suction. Although you may use them for sinks, these plungers are mostly used for toilets.

Dispose of Food In The Trash

Although it is very convenient just to throw food and food particles down the sink and run the garbage disposal, many plumbers do not do this. Using the garbage disposal to break down food can ruin your plumbing system. Grease, oil, and fat can stick to the inside lining of the pipes and cause a clog or blockage. Bigger food particles such as bones or eggshells can cause the disposal to overheat and become damaged. You should use the garbage disposal for natural, biodegradable things like small vegetable parts or small fruit rinds.

Consistently Check For Leaks

Plumbers do not wait for the telltale sign of a constant dripping sound to determine if a leak has occurred. In their own homes, plumbers take a proactive approach to leak detection to stop it before it becomes a major problem. By installing and using smart devices that detect leaks and shutting off the water immediately, a person can resolve the problem before it becomes a major one.

Regularly Flush Their Water Heaters

Water heaters have a life expectancy of about 15 to 20 years. Through regular maintenance, however, homeowners can extend the usefulness of the water heater to another ten years. Plumbers who have water heaters in their homes will routinely flush it out about once a year to make sure any sediment buildup in the tank is removed. Removing the sediment from the tank will ensure that the tank can operate at an efficient capacity.

Regularly Change Water Filter Cartridges

Plumbers who have installed a filtration system in their homes will regularly change the water filter cartridges. Depending on the make or model of the water filtration system, the cartridges might need to be changed from twice a year to every month. By changing the water filter cartridge, a person is ensuring that the water will taste great and make sure that the contaminants that these cartridges collect remain out of the water.

Regularly Check Water Pressure

Plumbers regularly check the water pressure in their homes. If the water pressure is too high or too low, then it can cause other problems with the plumbing system. By making sure that the water pressure is at a consistent balance, they will get optimal use from their plumbing system. Furthermore, checking for any changes in pressure will alert the person to any potential problems that a plumber can resolve immediately.

In Conclusion

If you are experiencing any plumbing issues in your home, contact Conyers Plumbing for a consultation to investigate and resolve the problem.