Faucets are essential items in any home. They’re functional, but can be quite stylish too, and there are a lot of different models to choose from nowadays. In fact, shopping for a new faucet can be quite an overwhelming experience for many people due to the sheer number and variety of models on offer.

It’s important not to focus entirely on aesthetics, however, as faucets come in different materials and models, some of which might be better-suited for you than others. Here are our top tips for choosing the best faucet and trying to minimize your chance of needing faucet repairs.

Choose Ceramic

Ceramic valves are being featured in many modern faucet models, and it can really pay off in the long run to choose ceramic over other materials. Why? Ceramic has incomparable durability and a seemingly endless lifespan. Faucets with ceramic valves might cost a little more, but they’re much less likely to suffer leaks and other issues. Even if you’re shopping for a new faucet on a budget, it makes sense to try and make savings elsewhere and find the extra cash for this highly useful feature.

Look Beyond The Looks

As previously mentioned, the aesthetics of your faucet shouldn’t be the only factor you think about. It’s important to have a lovely-looking home that you feel proud of, and many people like to invest heavily in their bathrooms to create chic, elegant spaces that can be enjoyed by all. Faucets can be a part of that, but some faucets might look beautiful on the outside and lack quality underneath. Be sure to investigate all the aspects of your chosen faucet model to check it fits in with the sink you’ve chosen, that it’s full compatible with your current set-up, and that it offers the reliability you need.

Do Your Research

Faucets might seem simple on the outside, but they can be quite complicated as you start to learn more and more about them. There are many different types of faucet to think about, for example, and each of them have pros and cons to consider. Ball faucets, which are common in kitchens, are prone to leaking. Compression faucets are highly affordable but lack reliability in the long term. Disc faucets are quite modern and efficient, offering strong performance at a higher price.

Find The Right Match

We’ve highlighted the importance of not putting too much focus or emphasis on appearance when choosing your new faucet, but you do still need to pay a little attention to this factor. Remember, a faucet is going to last for years and years and be a main feature of your bathroom, kitchen, or other space for a long time. You’ll therefore want to invest in a model that matches up with the aesthetic and design of the room. A faucet that stands out by not matching with other elements can really bring down the look and feel of a room.