Checking for Hidden Leaks

Unnoticed plumbing leaks are causing many American households to overuse water, costing them thousands of dollars each year. According to the EPA, 10% — or 6 million — of all homes in America have a leaky toilet; and because these problems often go undetected for months at a time, they waste an average of 100 gallons per household every single day due to hidden leaks.

Household leaks waste a substantial amount of water: in 10 percent of homes, it can add up to 90 gallons per day.

Do your best to hunt down and repair any hidden plumbing leaks, and you can stop wasting water. Here’s how to find those hard-to-spot pipes that keep leaking no matter what you try.

#1: Check Your Water Bill and Compare

If your water bill is higher than normal in the winter months, check for leaks. A typical family of four uses no more than 12,000 gallons per month—if yours uses more water during colder seasons, you may have a leak.

#2: Keep an Eye on Your Water Meter

To find out if you have a plumbing leak, record the number on your water meter. Then turn off all of the faucets and every appliance that uses water in your home for two hours. Afterward, check to see whether or not there has been any change in how much time it takes for each appliance to use up its allotted amount of water—if some appliances are using more than usual during this time period (or less if no one is at home), then you may indeed have a small leak somewhere which needs addressing.

#3: Take a Look at Your Plumbing

Visually inspect your faucet, looking for water or moisture on the outside. If you spot any, then you know that leaking is occurring at the fixture or within the connected plumbing system.

#4: Test the Toilets

Not all toilet leaks are obvious. To check for hidden leaks, place a few drops of food coloring in the tank and wait half an hour without flushing. If there is coloration in the water below it means you have a leak somewhere that’s not immediately apparent.

#5: Keep a Look Out for Warning Signs

Water leaks can be hard to spot, but some clues may indicate their presence. For instance, you might notice a persistent odor of mold or mildew in your home or see water stains on ceilings, walls, and floors if plumbing is the source of your flooding. A decrease in water pressure, puddles in your yard, and foundation cracks are also warning signs of leaking.

If you suspect there is a hidden plumbing leak in your home, but cannot locate the source of the problem—or if obvious leaks continue even after you have replaced old pipes—call an experienced, licensed plumber immediately. A qualified professional will locate and repair every plumbing leak, preventing water waste in your household.

Call on Conyers Plumbing for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation. Our team of experts will assess your home for hidden plumbing leaks and ensure that you’re no longer wasting water, all at a cost that makes sense. Contact our Provo today to schedule an appointment!